Ahmad Faozi, Akhmad Azmi Adzani, Destria Syifa Nur Izza, Maryatul Kibtiyah


The covid 19 outbreak brought new problems for humans, the covid 19 pandemic resulted in many people to adjust to new habits, many fields that experienced setbacks to the lives of Indonesian people, such as the declining community economy, many of the people in Indonesia experienced layoffs, salary reductions and closed access to find jobs and threatened public health both physically and mentally health. The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of anxiety disorder in Indonesian society during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, the method used was to use literature review. Researchers study and examine the problem of anxiety during covid-19 as well as several supporting theories from several books or other literature. Based on the results of the research on the factors that cause the community to experience anxiety disorders, first, namely the dissemination of information that worsens people's mental health conditions, secondly the anxiety that occurs in the community, namely anxiety caused by economic factors including termination or termination of work, closure of business premises, family income decreases while expenses increase from the above conditions, it can be concluded that the anxiety experienced by the community, namely due to financial and economic conditions. In addition, the factors that cause anxiety disorders in the community are because it is difficult to worship in places of worship, not getting religious knowledge regularly, difficulty in establishing friendships with brothers and sisters and are considered non-religious.


Anxiety; Covid-19; Anxiety Disorders; Mental Health

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31332/jmrc.v3i1.6808


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