Analysis of Law Enforcement on Crime of Regional Head Elections in South Konawe Regency

Hasni Hasni, Syamsul Bachri, St. Fatmawati


This study aims to analyze the enforcement of criminal law in regional head elections in South Konawe Regency and the implications of criminal law enforcement on regional head elections in South Konawe Regency. The location of this research is in South Konawe Regency, precisely at the Bawaslu Office of South Konawe Regency. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the Criminal Law Enforcement in Regional Head Elections in South Konawe Regency is carried out based on regulations related to Regional Head elections. In the material aspect, it refers to the provisions of Law No.1 of 2015 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors with the application of the provisions of Article 188 of the Aquo Law, while in the formal aspects it refers to the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Bawaslu RI, Polri, and the RI Prosecutor's Office regarding Gakkumdu Center starting at Gakkumdu Center. the stages of reports / findings of alleged criminal acts of election, investigation, first discussion, second discussion, third discussion, transfer of files to decisions and legal remedies. Enforcement of criminal law in regional head elections in South Konawe Regency has implications for regulatory aspects, namely there is still a mismatch between existing legal subjects in prohibition and criminal provisions, in the aspect of law enforcement / organizers there is a lack of synergy between all parties who are members of the Gakkumdu Center, and in cultural aspects the legal awareness is still lacking and aspects of facilities and facilities, particularly those related to financial support in the 2015 regional head elections, do not have operational budget support.


Elections, Enforcement, Neutrality

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