Respect For The Flag According To The Perspective of Islamic Law (Analytic Studies)

Ahmad Sanusi, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin


Flag saluting is part of the attitude of nationalism and national life. Some people think that nationalism does not conflict with Islamic law and teachings, so a flag salute is permissible and not prohibited. However, some people who think that nationalism is something new in Islam think that respecting the flag is not permissible. This study describes the law of respecting the flag in Islam, how contemporary scholars think about it, and their arguments for the permissibility or inability to salute the flag. This study confirms that the law of respecting the flag is permissible and can even be a sunnah law because it is a form of respecting the symbol of the state, not glorifying or purifying the flag, and respecting the flag is not prohibited in Islamic law and does not conflict with the outlines of Islamic law. Respect and glorification of the flag have the basis and source of the Shari'a, namely: the story of the Messenger of Allah sending his companions to fight with the Roman troops in the Mu'tah area, which is known as the Mu'tah war where the war flag was highly respected by warlords and even friends of Ja'far bin Abu Talib broke up his right and left hands to defend the war flag. It shows he respects the flag.


Flag, Islamic Law, Nationalism, Respect, Wasatiya

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