Sentiment Ideology: Membaca Pemikiran Lewis A. Coser dalam Teori Fungsional tentang Konflik (Konsekuensi logis dari Sebuah Interaksi di antara Pihak Jamaah LDII dengan Masyarakat sekitar Gading Mangu-Perak-Jombang)

Limas Dodi


In a conflict, no institution is competent and acknowledged to be mediators. That is
to say, conflict can be settled down if there are other parties as mediators, whether
as religious leaders or the ruling government, all of which is limited to stopping the
dispute. The emergence of an Islamic thought and movement, although it is
considered controversial, should not be judged as it is. Judging LDII as a heretic
for reasons that are generated by public. They are confident that LDII is an official
organization and is protected by law. However, LDII until now has never issued
any book to read by public as the true information. In Coser's theory there are 4
things related to the function of conflict. Firstly, that conflict between groups
increases internal solidarity. Secondly, conflicts within the group have an
inevitable antagonism that marks all social relationships. Thirdly, conflict increases
the development of social bonds between groups. Fourthly, conflict is a major
stimulus to achieve social change.


Functional, Conflict, LDII

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