Legal Protection of Women Migrant Workers: A Bibliometric Analysis Review

Warsito Eko Putro, Endang Larasati Larasati, Wijayanto Wijayanto, Yuwanto Yuwanto, Ardiyansah Ardiyansah


The fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) is decent work and economic growth, which means that migrant workers around the world should have decent work and protection. In reality, there is no strong legal protection for migrant workers. Problems that arise against migrant workers such as more than 200 migrant workers who become domestic helpers in 18 countries are suspected of being victims of trafficking and exploitation of labour, prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, which means forced labour, slavery or similar practices, to the removal of organs. The method used in looking at the development of the phenomenon of migrant worker protection is carried out using the bibliometric analysis method. The software used is Vos Viewer (VOS) software. The results of this study provide knowledge and recommendations for readers and journal writers who can become references by adjusting the selected issues. This research highlights research trends on the Protection of Migrant Workers seen from the authors and journals that write the most about the phenomenon.
The results of this study show that the writing of articles on the Protection of Migrant Workers fluctuates every year. The keywords that often appear in research on the Legal Protection of Migrant Workers are "Legal Protection", "Migrant Workers", "Indonesian Migrant Workers", "Human Rights" and "Trafficking". The government through international law needs to implement strong legal rules so that migrant workers get legal protection and a decent life.


Legal Protection, Migrant Workers, Bibliometric Analysis, VOSviewer

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Hartono, D, and I K Samsuria. “Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers: International Law, National Regulations and Contemporary Problems.” … Journal of Criminology and Sociology., 2021.

Henderson, S. “The Legal Protection of Women Migrant Domestic Workers from the Philippines and Sri Lanka: An Intersectional Rights-Based Approach.” … Journal of Care and Caring, 2021.

Hidayah, N P. “Comparative Study of Legal Protection for Migrant Workers in Participation of Social Security Programs in Indonesia and Singapore.” Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum., 2020. STUDY OF LEGAL PROTECTION FOR MIGRANT WORKERS IN PARTICIPATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAMS IN INDONESIA AND SINGAPORE.

Husni, L, and R R Cahyowati. “Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers Based on Law Number 18 of 2017.” J. Legal Ethical &Regul. Isses, 2020.

Juddi, Moh Faidol. “Communication Strategy Evaluation of the Empowerment Program for Women Ex-Migrant Workers in Indonesia.” Journal of International Women’s Studies 26, no. 1 (2024).

Khalid, H, and A Savirah. “Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.” Golden Ratio of Law and Social Policy Review …, 2022.

Mahardika, A P, and S S Wicaksono. “Legal Protection of Illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad as Victims of Human Trafficking. Law Research Review Quarterly, 6 (2),” 2020.

Menegatti, Elisa. “‘Protecting Migrant Domestic Workers: The International Legal Framework at a Glance’, Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and Their Families.” In ILO, 2013.

Mosnier, Emilie, Fernanda Artigas, Elodie Richard, Maxime Hoyer, David Michels, Stephanie Vandentorren, Gabriel Girard, et al. “Effectiveness of a Community Empowerment Intervention to Improve Access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Migrant Women Sex Workers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Implementation Study.” JMIR Research Protocols 12, no. month 0 (2023).

Natalis, A, and B Ispriyarso. “The Legal Politics of Protecting Female Migrant Workers in Indonesia.” Pandecta, 2018.

Nulhaqim, Akhmad, Muhammad Fedryansyah, and Suprayogi Sugandi. “Employment Opportunities and Social Networks Of,” 2023, 1–16.

Nuraeny, H. Trafficking of Migrant Workers in Indonesia: A Legal Enforcement and Economic Perspective of Prevention and Protection Efforts., 2017.

Olivier, M, and A Govindjee. “Labour Rights and Social Protection of Migrant Workers: In Search of a Coordinated Legal Response.” … Law Research Network Inaugural Conference in …., 2013.

Ruhs, M. “Rethinking International Legal Standards for The Protection of Migrant Workers: The Case For A ‘Core Rights’ Approach.” American Journal of International Law, 2017.

Shirin M. Rai, Benjamin D. Brown, Kanchana N., and Ruwanpura. “SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth – A Gendered Analysis.” In World Development, 368–80, 2019.

Susetyorini, P. “Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Di Luar Negeri Oleh Perwakilan Republik Indonesia.” Masalah-Masalah Hukum 39, no. 1 (2010): 65–77.

The Asean Secretariat. “A Blue Print for Growth: Asean Economic Community 2015: Progress and Key Achievement.” Jakarta: ASEAN, 2015.

Wijayanti, H., & Windiani, A. “Legal Protection and Advocacy for Indonesian Migrant Worker.” In IMC 2016 Proceedings, 2016.

Xie, P, F Wang, and Y Cheng. “How Did Chinese Migrant Workers Fare in Labour Dispute Mediation? Differentiated Legal Protection and the Moderating Role of the Nature of Dispute.” Journal of Industrial Relations, 2017.


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