Total Quality Management Pendidikan Islam (Studi TPQ Qiro’ati di Kabupaten Kudus Jawa Tengah)

Mukhamad Saekan Muchith




Kudus Regency Central Java is known as the city of santri. One of the characteristics has the most non-formal Islamic education institutions and boarding schools compared to other regions in Central Java. Until 2018 Kudus Regency has 86 Islamic boarding schools, 1050 Al-Quran learning centre for children (TPQ) and 310 Madrasah Diniyah (Madin). Among the Islamic education institutions there are TPQ with Qiro'ati learning methods as many as 360 institutions.

Al-Quran learning centre for children (TPQ) with the Qiro'ati learning method has its own uniqueness when viewed from the process and output. Steps in managing institutions and learning have consistency and commitment to the regulations that have been set. The uniqueness in TPQ Qiro'ati needs to be socialized so that it can inspire other Islamic educational institutions in managing the institutions and learning processes.

This research is seen from its type categorized as a qualitative research process which is aimed at describing or describing what is in the research location. Bogdan and Taylor in Lexy J Moleong (1995) that research with qualitative methods is research that aims to produce descriptive data in the form of written words or impressions of people and observed behavior. Based on the opinion of Bagdan and Taylor above, this study aims to obtain data from the location of the study both in the form of written data or interviews from research data sources.

The technique of data retrieval is done by observation, interviews, documentation then the results of data acquisition are done with technical domain analysis, taxonomy analysis and cultural theme analysis, so that researchers will be able to uncover various problems according to the determined problem formulation.

In general, facts and data were found that the management of the TPQ Qiro’ati was initiated from a very mature and systematic plan both from the ustadz/ustadzah recruitment aspects. Supported by a very consistent and tiered implementation and coaching. Requirements as ustadz/ustadzah are also determined by qualifications and competencies which are truly consistently implemented and always maintained throughout the period. The process of completing or graduating santri is carried out through tiered examinations from the institutional level (TPQ), sub-district (rayon) and district levels. After being declared graduated by all levels, santri were also tested openly as a doctoral program promotion test.

The stages of all this, as a form of management transparency to the public so as to provide a greater level of trust from the community. What was done in the management of the TPQ Qiro’ati was in accordance with the spirit of the general community dynamics which automatically required the public to be open to information.


Quality Management, TPQ Qiro’ati, Islamic Education

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