Penguatan Budaya Lokal dan Nasionalisme Melalui Festival Layang-Layang

Abd Wahid, Dila Permatasari, Fariz Rizki Fatah, Apriliyani Apriliyani, Imelda Wahyuni


The kite festival is an activity that is carried out annually in Wungka Village starting in 2020 which will be held in front of the Wakatobi Regional Representative Council (DPRD) building. In the second year, no kite festival activities were held, this was due to the COVID-19 pandemic which had lasted for the last two years. This activity will be held again in 2022 which will be held at the same location from the year it was held with KKN IAIN Kendari students. KKN students participate in promoting or communicating to the general public about the kite festival. The promotion strategy is in the form of advertising through a pamphlet or direct promotion to the public. This year's kite festival was more festive because not only did the village government attend the activity, but the chairman of the Wakatobi DPRD also attended the festival. The success in the implementation of this kite festival competition is a remarkable achievement in the implementation of the previous kite festival. In general, the activities succeeded in strengthening local traditions and the spirit of nationalism in all circles of society


local culture; kite festival; nationalism; Wakatobi

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