Peningkatan Kesadaran Orang Tua untuk Pengawasan Penggunaan Gadget Dalam Pola Asuh Anak di Desa Ngebruk

Nia Tanzila Putri, Rohmatul Azizah Zaituni, Amelia Fitri Ningtyas, Alfa Aulia Akbar


As a result of the social distancing policy implemented during the pandemic, face-toface schools had to be migrated online. This causes children to become more involved with technology. However, this proximity to technology is not accompanied by adequate parental supervision. As a result of parents' failure to recognise the significance of their involvement in their children's activities, a large number of children become addicted to electronic devices, which negatively affects many aspects of their development and has numerous adverse effects. Parenting seminars that educate parents on the importance of setting limits for their children's electronic device use are one possible solution to this problem. The seminar consisted of several series of events, including a pre-test, post-test, and explanation of the material, and concluded with questions, answers, and discussion. The results of the activity demonstrated the success of the parenting seminar held at MI Sunan Giri, Ngebruk Village, by indicating a significant increase. It can be inferred from the responses of the parents that they have an understanding of the impact of gadget addiction on children and how to combat it, including setting aside special time for gadget play, monitoring the content being viewed, inviting children to participate in a variety of new activities, encouraging children to communicate frequently, and introducing educational applications that can foster children's knowledge, interests, and talents


Parenting seminar; parents; gadgets

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