Revitalisasi Budaya Lokal: Buku Pintar 4 Bahasa Sebagai Upaya Mempertahankan Bahasa Asli Toraja

Muhammad Susen Latujajuli, Syafrina Unsi Miladiyah, Azka Mazaya, Afaf Luthfiah Azra, Ishar Ishar


The Torajan language is a significant facet of Indonesian native culture and a valuable component of the country's linguistic variety. The Torajan language is a significant facet of Indonesian native culture and a valuable component of the country's linguistic variety. The Torajan language is a significant facet of Indonesian native culture and a valuable component of the country's linguistic variety. Regrettably, there is a decline in speaking the Torajan language, which is particularly observed amongst young children. This investigation was conducted in Salubarani Village, Gandangbatu Sillanan Sub-district, Tana Toraja Regency. This situation is currently a pervasive issue in the village. The author initiated the revitalization of the Toraja language, a local dialect, and produced the 4 Language Smart Book, which contains English, Arabic, Indonesian, and Toraja vocabulary. This effort led to the revitalization of the local language. The author initiated the revitalization of the Toraja language, a local dialect, and produced the 4 Language Smart Book, which contains English, Arabic, Indonesian, and Toraja vocabulary. The CBPR (community-based Based Participatory Research) service methodology was employed, with MI Negeri 2 Tana Toraja and the Salubarani Village community as partners. This study underwent various stages, including observation, book preparation, socialization, and evaluation. The implementation of the 4-Language Smart Book has garnered favorable comments from both educators and children. The book's emphasis merits appreciation.


Culture; Language; 4-language smart book; Toraja

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