Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Organik Menjadi Pupuk Kompos di Majalengka

Firda Halawati


Community empowerment in the form of compost fertilizer transfer is an endeavor to exploit the potential of the surrounding environment in the form of leftover organic waste. This event took place at Kancana Village, Cikijing District, Kab. Majalengka. This activity's method is to provide resources and demonstrations. Providing information on various leftover organic waste materials found in the Kancana Village area that can be used as raw materials for producing organic fertilizer. The demonstration was carried out by producing organic fertilizer from household waste collected from the Kancana Village setting. The transfer of technology for making liquid and solid fertilizers provides numerous benefits, including increasing residents’ knowledge about the benefits of leftover organic waste as a raw material for making liquid and solid fertilizers. Environmental health awareness also improves and provides economic value for residents, as it reduces spending on fertilizer. Farmers might enhance their family income by selling fertilizer.


Community development; Organic Waste; Compost

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