Analisis Pemikiran Koperasi Bung Hatta dan Korelasinya

Nurmala N Sabon, Lamondo Lamondo


Mohammad Hatta is called the father of Indonesian cooperatives. It is believed that he has succeeded in providing a form of contribution to the theory of populist economics with an applicative form of cooperatives. When a cooperative or small sector is recognized as one that meets the demands of the Indonesian people. Bung Hatta's thinking is built on solidarity and the idea that each member and supporter will value themselves in their own way. Analyzing these operations can help us understand and deal with economic and moral difficulties. An operation must have both factors described below to qualify as "getting stronger." Since cooperation is the essence of business, it also encourages people to work together and pursue common goals without complaining to other individuals who are outside the same organizational structure. In cooperatives, there is often no dominant individual. In a synergistic partnership, the only thing both people have in common is working together on a capital project or demonstrating confidence in a particular business venture in exchange for profit sharing based on merit and contract.


Cooperative, Cooperation, Partnership

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