Peran Orientasi Kewirausahaan Sebagai Mediasi Antara Pendidikan dan Minat Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa

Abrista Devi


Nowadays, university is focused on how to prepare their graduated student to be an
employee, but forgetting on how to prepare them to be an entrepreneur. There are some
obstacles why university students have lack of an intention to do business, starting with lack
of capital, lack of skill, have no confidence, selective in choosing job, and some other factors.
These problems is strengthtened by the data found that Indonesia is highly need more
entrepreneurs, where the numbers of entrepreneurs is still less than 2% from total GDP
(Gross Domestic Product of a country). This study is aimed to identify the effect of
entrepreneurial education to entrepreneurial orientation of university student, the effect of
entrepreneurial orientation to entrepreneurial intention, and the direct and indirect effect of
entrepreneurial education to entrepreneurial intention. This study takes Ibn Khaldun
University, Islamic Economics major students as case study of respondents. This study
employs quantitative approach with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology.
The findings of this study are, entrepreneurial education has positive and significant effect to
entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurial orientation has positive and significant effect to
entrepreneurial intention; and entrepreneurial education has positive and significant effect to
entrepreneurial intention indirectly through entrepreneurial orientation.


Entrepreneurial Education, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurial Intention, Structural Equation Modeling

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Copyright (c) 2018 Abrista Devi

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