Journal History

Jurnal Al-Izzah is published by Institute of Research and Community Development or Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari with ISSN-p: 1978-9762 since May 2007, and ISSN-e: 2541-0717 since August 2016. It published empirical articles focusing on Muslim society, education, culture, gender, and relevant social issues. In 2018, its focus and scope are central to social religious issues in Muslim society from various perspectives, especially social and culture perspective.

This journal was first published in May 2007 under the title Jurnal Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, and has consistently used the title. Its consistency is also shown from its regular publication in May and November. In order to maintain the originality of the articles, Plagiarism Checker system has been applied since 2016. This journal applies full Open Journal System in its publication management since May 2017. In accordance with Kemenristekdikti rule, since Mei 2017 edition, each of the published article has its own DOI (Digital Object Identifier, an article’s unique identifier), which can be used to link back to it from other documents that cite it. Also, in 2018, Jurnal Al Izzah has nationally accredited by Kemenristekdikti qualifying the level of SINTA 4.

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