Peran Wanita Tani Pembuat Atap Rumbia dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Konawe)

Beti Mulu, Leni Saleh


This study aimaed ti analyze : (1) how much revenue the thatched roof maker of women
farmers in increasing family incomes in Konawe, (2) how the role of women farmers in the
thatched roof maker Konawe in the perspective of the Islam ekonomiy. Data collection
techniques uses two ways : primary data through direct interviews using a questionnaire to
a sample of respondents and secondary data obtained from recompilation literature and
bibliography. Data collected were processed using descriptive statistical analysis and to
analyze how much the revenue from the women farmers in district Konawe use quantitative
methods of analysis.
This study concluded that the results of the analysis showed revenue earned income of
women farmers maker thatched roof in Konawe already quite optimal amounting
Rp.23.248.175 or an average of Rp.1.010.790 one person women farmers in an effort to make
the thatched roof in a month the manufacturing process. The work done by women farmers
maker thatched roofs in increasing family income is a good business and in line with
Islamic law becouse it is done with effort and good intentions, which is to help boost the
economiy of the family income, while permission form her husband. So it does not conflict
with principles of Islamic economics, in fact, Islam forbids the muslims to stand by or asks
as beggars, the homeless and other people while still being able to strive.


The Role, Women Farmers, Family Income and Islamic Economics.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Beti Mulu, Leni Saleh

Li Falah : Jurnal Studi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Indexed In

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