Pelatihan Kerajinan Ecobrik untuk Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik di Desa Watumbohoti

Ahmad Syawal, Akbar Akbar


Potential for talents in recycling plastic trash into high-value handicrafts is one of the many opportunities in Watumbohoti Village, South Palangga subdistrict, South Konawe Regency. By providing Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) services, these abilities are fostered. By using recycled plastic garbage to create Ecobrik goods, this empowerment initiative highlights the possibilities and resources in the Watumbohoti village region. Aside from lowering environmental pollution from plastic waste—which degrades slowly—this talent aims to inspire creativity and skill development in society. With this service, it is hoped that people would be able to dispose of plastic garbage less and make more money from purchasing and selling. Because of the community's own actions, the existence of this skills activity can therefore improve the Watumbohoti village community both individually and collectively. Furthermore, it may have implications for the development of a society free from environmental degradation


Ecobrics, Community services, Skills; Waste recycling

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