Paradigma dan Revolusi Ilmiah Thomas S. Kuhn (Aspek Sosiologis, Antropologis, dan Historis dari Ilmu Pengetahuan)

Nur Akhda Sabila


The development of positivism now has entered the realm of science. This makes it a distinction between what is called scientific and unscientific in science and makes space in the scientific world narrow with authoritative benchmarks. Therefore in this study using a phenomenological approach in the perspective of the philosophy of science in order to get the core problems and deep solutions related to discussion with science. The method used in this paper is a descriptive method wherein to find the definitions contained in the problem to combine into a narrative in order to explain the core problems. And from the existing research it can be concluded that one of the figures who criticized the notion of positivism was Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn invites researchers to turn to a paradigmative perspective where this perspective broadens the scope of science to every aspect of life, including in the social field.


Paradigm, Thomas Kuhn, Scientific Revolution, Science


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