This journal displays articles online after being reviewed by reviewers. Articles sent to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least two reviewers in the form of "double-blind review". The main language used in this journal is Indonesian and still accepts English or Arabic articles. Review process with a double-blind review for 3 weeks. 

Article status is accepted if it is in accordance with focus and scope, clarity of purpose, method, and results, has a gap analysis, enough primary data for the past 10 years, and follows the style and format of writing from Kalosara Family Law Review. 

Article status is revised if it does not explain the objectives, methods, and results, does not display a gap analysis, does not have primary data for the past 10 years, and does not follow the style and format of writing from Kalosara Family Law Review.

Article status is rejected if it is not in accordance with focus and scope, does not determine objectives, methods, and results, does not have gap analysis, does not have primary data, and does not match the style and format of writing from Kalosara Family Law Review.