Pengaruh Implementasi Kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) terhadap Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahasiswa

Yuliawati Yunus, Hasan Maksum, Waskito Waskito


This study examines the effect of implementing the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum on the problem-solving abilities of Management Study Program students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, a university in Padang, Indonesia, focusing on the Information and Computer Technology course. The subjects were 60 students, and a correlational quantitative approach was used. Data analysis included descriptive analysis, normality test, linearity test, and linear regression test. Results showed normally distributed and linear data. The F-test yielded a value of 15.918 with a significance level of 0.000<0.005, indicating a significant influence of the OBE curriculum (X) on problem-solving ability (Y). The R Squared value of 0.215 indicates that the OBE curriculum accounts for 21.5% of the variance in students' problem-solving abilities, excluding other factors.  

Keywords: Ability; curriculum; information and computer technology; outcome based education; problem solving

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