Circumstances Translation in Arabic-English Version of Al-Ajnichah Al-Mutakassirah Novel: Systemic Functional Translation Approaches

Muhamad Saiful Mukminin, Muhammad Yunus Anis, Hamza Ethelb


Research related to the translation of novels from Arabic to English has been done but not many studies related to circumstance in novels. Circumstance is an element in a clause that accompanies a process that serves to explain the situation and condition of the process. In the novel, the circumstantial plays an important role in explaining the process in the storyline. The purpose of this study is to describe the types and forms of circumstan in the Arabic-English translation of Al-Ajnichah Al-Mutakassirah by Khalil Gibran. The analysis of circumstance is related to translation theory, namely technique, shift, method, and ideology of translation. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research by applying a combination of SFL and translation studies. Data collection was customized to the characteristics of language research, i.e. using note-taking technique. The data analysis technique used a combination of two analysis models, namely the interactive analysis model (Miles and Huberman) and content analysis (Spradley). The result of this study shows that there are 9 types of circumstances in the Arabic-English translation of Al-Ajnichah Al-Mutakassirah novel. Circumstance types are dominated by location circumstance types. The form of circumstance found consists of 3 forms which are dominated by phrases. The application of translation techniques can be found in a total of 896 data of translation techniques with 15 types of translation techniques dominated by the application of established equivalent techniques. Translation shift occurs at the level of circumstance type and form, totaling 5 data and 31 data respectively. The orientation of Arabic-English translation refers to the target language with domestication ideology.


Circumstance; Translation Technique; Translation Shift; Translation Method; Translation Ideology

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