Sistem Pengaturan Izin Tempat Penjualan Minuman Beralkohol (Studi Perda Kota Kendari No. 3 Tahun 2015 Tentang Retribusi Izin Tempat Penjualan Minuman Beralkohol)

Israti La Taa, Ahmadi Ahmadi, Aris Nur Qadar Ar. Razak


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out how the mechanism for granting a
permit for selling alcoholic beverages based on the Kendari City Regional Regulation no.
3 of 2015 concerning levies for permits for selling alcoholic beverages and to find out the
factors and efforts that hinder the Kendari City government in implementing Kendari
City Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2015. This study uses a qualitative research type with
an empirical normative typology that focuses on the study of Regional Regulations and
empirical data in the field using a legislative approach, a conceptual approach and a
case approach. Data collection techniques using interview, documentation and
observation techniques.The results of the study indicate that the mechanism for granting
permits for selling alcoholic beverages goes through several stages and processes based
on the legislation, but the system for granting permits for selling alcoholic beverages is
still experiencing several obstacles due to factors, namely: the Kendari City Government
is not thorough and does not update permits for sellers of alcoholic drinks suspected of
violating the provisions of regional regulations, lack of law enforcement officers,
administrative systems that are still manual and differences of opinion and
understanding. So that to optimize its implementation, the Kendari City government
makes efforts, namely: updating permits and being careful when reviewing locations,
increasing human resources in terms of enforcing regional regulations, including
detailed spatial plans in the OSS application.
Keywords: Licensing System, Regional Regulations, Alcoholic Drinks.

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