Konsep Restorative Justive Dalam Hukum Acara Terhadap Pembelaan Terpaksa

Faturohman Faturohman, Ratu Nabilah Afifah, Abdul Muid, Desi Pratiwi


This journal aims to analyze criminal acts using the conventional justice system and
examine opportunities for restorative justice to be applied as an innovation in resolving
criminal cases in Indonesia. The problem discussed is the mechanism for expanding the
application of the concept of restorative justice in the criminal justice system in forced
defense. The research method used is normative legal research. The conclusion drawing
technique used uses a deductive method. Based on the research results, given the
differences and inequalities in the application of the concept of restorative justice in the
Police, Prosecutor's Office and Supreme Court which regulate procedural law regarding
the implementation or implementation of the concept of restorative justice in resolving
criminal cases committed by adults, the Government and DPR are expected to
immediately formulate policies - policies regarding the concept of restorative justice
issued by the criminal justice sub-system into a Legislative Regulation, either in the form
of a law or formulated in the Draft Criminal Procedure Code (RKUHAP) and the Draft
Criminal Code (RKUHP).

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Februari 2024, pada pukul 01:53.


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