Dampak Pengaruh Teknologi Terhadap (Cyber Crime) Tindak Pidana Serta Analisis Hukum Terkait

Faturohman Faturohman, Rachmat Putra Hidjriana, Rizky Zendra Rahayu


Technology that fundamentally changes the way we interact and transact, also has a significant
impact on cyber crime. In preparing the journal, we carried out an in-depth analysis of the
influence of modern technology, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of
Things, on the increasing incidence of cyber crime. It found that continued technological
innovation creates new opportunities for cybercriminals, while unaddressed security weaknesses
increase the risk of attacks. A deep understanding of these dynamics is key to developing
effective and proactive solutions to combat cybersecurity challenges in today's digital era. Legal
and cyber security constraints that have not been able to keep up with the pace of technological
development are the main causes of the increasing number of cyber crimes. Therefore, a deep
understanding of the relationship between technology and cybercrime is very important to
formulate effective security strategies in this digital era

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