Lecturer’s Belief and Classroom Practices on The Use of Video in English Language Teaching

Titin Rahmiatin Rahim, Fatnalaila Fatnalaila, Yuliyanah Sain, Andi Rachmawati Syarief, Citra Prasisca P. Tohamba, Muflihun Muflihun


This study aims to investigate the EFL lecturer's beliefs in teaching speaking using video to fifth-semester students in a private university in Indonesia. A qualitative method was employed as the design of this study, involving an in-depth exploration of the lecturer's perspectives and practices. An English teacher was purposefully selected as the research subject of the study. The data were collected through stimulated recall and semi-structured interviews, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the lecturer's beliefs and classroom practices. The findings were categorized into six major themes: 1) the source of the lecturer's belief in teaching speaking using video; 2) the purpose of using video in teaching speaking skills; 3) the reasons for using video in teaching speaking skills; 4) the reflection of those beliefs in classroom practices; 5) considerations in choosing the videos; and 6) challenges faced by the lecturer in teaching speaking using video. The results revealed that there was no discrepancy between the teacher's beliefs and teaching practices. The lecturer believes that using video in teaching speaking classes enables students to learn individually, which is reflected in his teaching practice. For example, the lecturer allows students to watch videos individually, facilitating a more personalized learning experience. This alignment between belief and practice underscores the importance of integrating multimedia tools in language teaching, as they can enhance student engagement and autonomy. The study highlights the potential of videos as a valuable resource in language education, particularly in improving speaking skills among EFL learners


English teaching; Lecturer’s Belief; Teaching Speaking; Video

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31332/lkw.v0i0.5817

Copyright (c) 2024 Titin Rahmiatin Rahim, Fatnalaila, Yuliyanah Sain, Andi Rachmawati Syarief, Citra Prasisca P. Tohamba, Muflihun

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