Parentinguistics: Authoritarian and Permissive Communication Styles in Parents' Expressive Speech Acts

Kurniawan Kurniawan


In the world of parenting, there are various parenting styles. Each of these parenting styles has its own impact on children. Parenting style can be reflected in the way parents communicate with children. This study focuses on the relationship between authoritarian or permissive parenting styles on aspects of language, especially expressive speech acts. A qualitative descriptive pragmatic approach is applied in this study. The data in this study are in the form of textual sources from the film "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini". The film was chosen because it has a family theme and presents parent-child conflicts that can be examined in terms of parenting and linguistic aspects. Data was collected using the observing and note-taking method and then analyzed using the analytical technique introduced by Spradley (2016). This analysis applies theory from Yule (1996) regarding expressive speech act and Baumrind (1971) regarding parenting styles, especially authoritarian or permissive. In the film, it is proven that the authoritarian parenting style has various negative impacts on children in their mental health later. Meanwhile, the permissive parenting style impact that causes children to depend on their parents is not found in the film. This is shown by children who instead want to prove to their parents that they can be independent and have the right to decide for themselves what they want.


Parenting; Authorian; Permissive; Expressive Speech Act

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