Developing Curriculum Component to Upgrade Students’ English Language Acquisition

Hasbullah Hasbullah, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Miftahulfadlik Dabamona, Nanning Nanning


This study aims to investigate the effect of developing curriculum components on upgrading the students’ English acquisition in State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sorong, Southwest Papua Province Indonesia. Developing curriculum components presented goals, contents, approaches, methods, and evaluation precisely is to know the students’ English acquisition covering vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The sample size for this study comprises 72 students consisting of 36 students from Class A and 36 others from Class B, representing the experimental group and a control group. Those groups were selected based ona partitional clustering method. An experimental design was employed to conduct the study, which involved gathering quantitative data from the pre-test and post-test. It was to obtain the students’ English acquisition achievements. To analyze the collected data, SPSS is used for a precise and efficient process of the various necessary outputs describing meaningful conclusions. The pre-test findings conclude no significant difference in students’ achievement before treatment.After treatment, the post-test found the t-value was greater than t-table (t-value 4.690 t-table 2.000). This data strongly indicates a positive impact of developing curriculum components to improve students’ acquisition of English elements for the experimental group. This means the study summarized and emphasized the development of curriculum components precisely, structurally, systematically, and professionally for the teachers to upgrade their students’ acquisition of English elements significantly.


Curriculum Components; English Elements; English Acquisition

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