Language Choices in Interracial Marriage: An Insight into Malay-Melanau Families in Sarikei, East Malaysia

Gelson Peter, Dexter Sigan John, Feona Albert Abell, Keezrawati Mujan Yusuf


This study aims to identify the language choices within interracial marriages, focusing specifically on Malay-Melanau families in Sarikei, Sarawak, East Malaysia. The primary objectives are (1) to investigate the language choices among Malay-Melanau families in Sarikei and (2) examine factors influencing their choices. A sample of 14 respondents, all hailing from Malay-Melanau backgrounds and married for over five years, was selected using purposive sampling methods. Employing a mixed-method approach, respondents completed a Google Form questionnaire comprising both open and close-ended queries. The findings underscore a prevailing inclination towards Malay as the preferred language within the household. This preference appears to be chiefly influenced by two key factors: parental guidance and immediate surroundings. Notably, the language predominantly spoken by the parents cohabiting with the couples significantly influences their linguistic selection. The study highlights the critical role of parental language choices and the immediate environment in shaping the language dynamics within these families. Additionally, it emphasizes the necessity of promoting awareness regarding language preservation, particularly the nurturing of less-dominant languages spoken within the home environment. Efforts in this direction are essential for fostering linguistic diversity and cultural vitality within mixed-ethnicity households. By understanding these dynamics, stakeholders can better support policies and initiatives that encourage the maintenance of linguistic heritage in multicultural contexts.


Interracial marriage; Language choice; Language dominant; Language shift; Malay-Melanau

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