Neutrality of the Village Consultational Board in the Election of the Head of Poleonro Village, Central Poleang District Based on Permendagri No 110 of 2016

Asrianto Zainal, Ahmad Isnul Mutakhir


The purpose of this study was to determine the role and neutralization of the BPD in village head elections based on Permendagri Number 110 of 2016 in the study in Poleonro village, Poleang Tengah District. The type of research used is empirical legal research, which was conducted at the location of Poleonro Village, Central Poleang District, with research time starting from May to June 2023. The data used are primary data and secondary data, the primary data consists of the Head of BPD, BPD Members and Village Communities Poleonro, while secondary data consists of Permendagri Number 110 of 2016, Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The data analysis activities are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study show (1) The role of the BPD in the village head election in Poleonro village based on Permendagri Number 110 of 2016 includes the BPD forming an election executive committee and supervising the election process from candidate selection to the inauguration of the village head. (2) Neutralization of the BPD in the election of the village head of Poleonro based on Permendagri Number 110 of 2016 is still lacking. There was fraud and partiality shown by the BPD and the election executive committee. The involvement of the government bureaucracy, especially the village head in participating in the General Election. With the partiality of a government person in holding regional head elections is a form of injustice in elections.


Keywords:Neutralization,BPD,Village Head,Permendagri no 110 of 2016


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