Al-Ta'dib: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Kependidikan is a journal concerned primarily with teaching, teachers, teacher education, and school-related issues. It is a forum for publishing original articles related to research-based education or research-based Islamic education. This journal is published by Faculty of Education and Teaching at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari. This journal is for professionals and scholars whose empirical work focuses on curriculum, teaching methodology, learning activity, teaching media, learning approaches, learning achievement, character education, evaluation in education, management in education, supervision in education, and the relationship between Islam and education.
Al-Ta'dib: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Kependidikan is a multidisciplinary journal committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology, or paradigm. The journal welcomes varied approaches (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods) to empirical research. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are welcomed. Manuscripts should enhance, build upon, and/or extend the boundaries of theory, research, and/or practice in teaching, teacher education and/or Islamic education.
Volume 17 Nomor 1 2024
Table of Contents
Pengaruh Implementasi Kurikulum Outcome Based Education (OBE) terhadap Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahasiswa
DOI : 10.31332/atdbwv17i1.8807
| Abstract views : 0 times
Yuliawati Yunus, Hasan Maksum, Waskito Waskito
Pengembangan Soal Matematika Terintegasi Nilai Keislaman Al Mawarits pada Materi Pecahan
DOI : 10.31332/atdbwv17i1.8252
| Abstract views : 0 times
Dedyerianto Dedyerianto, La Boy, Muhammad Riza, Halistin Halistin, Firman Riansyah